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The Origins of Party Pooping

October 01, 2008

While sitting at work the other day, I overheard a coworker say, “Don’t be a party pooper,” to another coworker. It’s a common phrase that most people hear every now and again, mostly in the context of describing someone who spoils the social enjoyment of others, typically by being gloomy. That may not be the Webster’s definition of it, but most people should understand what a “party pooper” is and what they can mean for a party.

Although it’s common, it’s still a strange title to give to someone. Hearing it is enough to evoke some strange mental images (as well as a few giggles because, c’mon… it has the word poop in it). Other strange sayings and phrases came from somewhere. Like pulling an “upset”, or being “saved by the bell” (which is surprisingly not related to the awesome show from the early 90’s). How did “party pooper” become so common? There must be an origin story. Lucky for you, I think I have found it…

In the late 18th century, a decade or so before America declared independence from England, French aristocrats seemed to be living the high life. The rich, French men who dressed just as flamboyantly as they acted, loved a good party almost as much as Bluto in animal house. One such Frenchman named René Depardieu (who may or not be related to one of the greatest actors of our time, Gérard) couldn’t party hard enough. Much to the dismay of his relatives and guests, while throwing parties he would become epically intoxicated, and in true sitcom fashion, hilarity ensued. It wasn’t long before his shenanigans went from fun and cheeky to pathetic and cruel, and he was deported for pinching King Louis XVI’s wife’s butt at a shin dig at the palace (ahem... Marie Antoinette). René soon found himself in the American colonies continuing his gonzo lifestyle.

Skipping ahead a couple years, René found his way into Raleigh, North Carolina high society. While he was still considered strange, many people chalked it up to him being French and a little eccentric, and nothing more. That is until one night at a gathering at a rich man’s plantation just outside of Raleigh…

Wealthy people from all over North Carolina had gathered for a night of socializing. It was even rumored that Ben Franklin was there. René, exhilarated at the prospect of a full on, decked out party, couldn’t express his excitement through any other means than by drinking, what some people claim, was a half a barrel of wine. Since he drank it so fast, he was able to socialize for a couple of minutes making his way to the middle of the party with everyone being none-the-wiser of the ticking time bomb within his stomach. Then, it hit him… and moments later it hit everyone else. Not only was René spouting French obscenities at the top of his lungs, but he had shit himself and the middle of the floor. The crowd dispersed faster than a high school party being busted by the cops.

The details are very sparse, but the story grew and became a legend. At social gatherings, if someone was ruining a good time, they were called a René Depardieu and a “party pooper.” Shortly after, the story and the name faded, but the saying stuck. It is even believed that the famous, cartoon skunk, Pepé Le Pew was based off René (sounds pretty similar, right?), and that the term “doo-doo” was derived from Depardieu in some fashion. He also didn’t help quell the stereotype of the rude, smelly frenchman either.

Sounds crazy right? If you don’t believe me, you can look it up here. Just Remember, the next time someone tries to call you a “party pooper,” they really are comparing you to a loud, fat, drunk, obnoxious French guy that shat himself in the late 18th Century.

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