Welcome to Twist of Dave! A site dedicated to giving life a much needed twist through writing and web development.

Yeah, that’s right… I’m a Blogger Now

May 25, 2008

It’s about time. I’ve been working on this site for the last couple of months and have had a hard time finding motivation to finish. Yeah, sure, I still need to finish some of the pages… but this is the meat and potatoes of the site, and I’ve finally got it done.

So why did I have a hard time finding motivation? What allowed me to finish? As always, multiple reasons. This site is suppose to represent a lot of things, besides my talents as a web developer and designer. It’s suppose to represent my personality and attitude on life. Basically, I challenged myself with the task of trying to sum up myself into a web site, which is pretty daunting. I didn’t even know where to begin. In fact, upon reflection… I don’t remember how I began. I’m sure it was something close to sitting down, cranking some tunes, drinking a lot of caffeine and starting to design. With that, all the fears of what my site was suppose to be and represent went away. Eventually things just fell into place (very much like my first entry here). You see, I had to make a move. Any move, otherwise I would still be in the planning stages of my site with my thumb up my ass (like my old coach use to love to say).

Don’t get me wrong, I did put a lot of thought and planning into this site… and looking before you leap is usually a good motto to stick to in life. However, it can be fun diving right in and see where it takes you. You might end up jumping right into shit, but at the same time you might end up in a pool of beautiful, hot babes. I had to make a move so I didn’t get too overwhelmed, and I think it worked out pretty well so far.

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